Urban Sharing
Smarte Byer Norge
Smarte Byer Norge
Urban Sharing
Urban Sharing

Urban Sharing

Urban Sharing builds products that help cities achieve sustainable, urban growth

Urban Sharing builds products that help cities achieve sustainable, urban growth. Working from street-level and up, we always start with user needs and urban insight. Our first project more than doub

FNs bærekraftsmål

FNs bærekraftsmål er verdens felles arbeidsplan for å utrydde fattigdom, bekjempe ulikhet og stoppe klimaendringene innen 2030

Bærekraftige byer og samfunn
Samarbeid for å nå målene

Urban Sharing builds products that help cities achieve sustainable, urban growth. Working from street-level and up, we always start with user needs and urban insight.

Our first project more than doubled the effect of bike sharing in Oslo, introducing another million bike rides in the first 8 months. By 2018 this has developed into a full platform for shared mobility and intelligent hardware to go with it.

Urban Sharing is a startup born in Oslo. In less than two years we've grown to running our tech in multiple cities including Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Edinburgh, UK


Related contacts

Johan Høgåsen-Hallesby


Hovedkontakt SBN

Oscar Jensen Skulberg

Customer Success Manager

Hovedkontakt SBN

OrganisasjonerOrganizations are businesses, municipalities, research etc.


De forskjellige virksomhetsområdene



De forskjellige utfordringene det er kategorisert i

Innsamling av data
Forbedre tilgang på data
Fokus på å gi innsyn i egne data
Improving travel safety
Promoting sustainable private transport models
Reducing use of fossils in public transport
Improving public transport accessibility
Promoting active living
Redusere luftforurensning
Improving social integration
Promoting sustainable behavior
Facilitating Citizen Engagement
Reducing waste generation
Reducing use of fossils
Reducing Operation Costs
Creating new jobs
Enabling new business opportunities
Urban Sharing

Parkveien 29
0350 OSLO


Smartbynettverk for alle

Vi driver frem bærekraftig smartbyutvikling og innovasjon ved å koble smartby-entusiaster på tvers av fag, bransjer, organisasjoner og næringsliv. Dette gjør vi ved å tilby arenaer for samskaping. Målet er at de som deltar i nettverket skal finne hverandre og sammen skape smarte løsninger på dagens og morgendagens utfordringer.

Smarte Byer Norge

+47 90056958

Vestengkleiva 3
1385 ASKER

Smarte Byer Norge

© 2021 , made during COVID-19 lockdown with by Terje