Green Mountain
Smarte Byer Norge
Smarte Byer Norge
Green Mountain
Green Mountain

Green Mountain

Green Mountain - Verdens grønneste datasenter

Green Mountain AS is a data centre company specialized in delivering high-end data centre services to demanding enterprise and wholesale customers around the world. The company currently operate two d

FNs bærekraftsmål

FNs bærekraftsmål er verdens felles arbeidsplan for å utrydde fattigdom, bekjempe ulikhet og stoppe klimaendringene innen 2030

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Green Mountain AS is a data centre company specialized in delivering high-end data centre services to demanding enterprise and wholesale customers around the world. The company currently operate two data centres in Norway; DC1-Stavanger at Rennesøy just outside Stavanger and DC2-Telemark at Rjukan. Both data centres are Tier III certified by Uptime Institute for design and facility. Existing customers include banks, energy, IT service providers, government agencies and large enterprises.

Satisfied customers are the most important goal of our business and data centre services has been delivered with 100% uptime since day one. We are very transparent about the quality of our services to our customers as trust is fundamental to our business. Security is at the highest level, and the company is ISO 27001 Information security management certified.

Operations are delivered by a very enthusiastic and skilled team of data centre engineers and service managers. We aim to be the most professional data centre operator in the market and encourage knowledge and training to raise the skill of our personnel. Operational efficiency is achieved through extensive use of automation, and a well built and maintained infrastructure that has a high degree of autonomy, fault tolerance and self-healing capabilities. Green Mountain AS is ISO 9001 Quality management certified.

Our data centres are very energy efficient and use 100% renewable power combined with the lowest power prices in Europe, making them the greenest data centres in the world. We also have the ISO 14001 Environmental management certification in place.


Related contacts

Tonje Kristin Hokholt Nordli

SVP Sales Nordics & Europe

Hovedkontakt SBN

OrganisasjonerOrganizations are businesses, municipalities, research etc.


De forskjellige virksomhetsområdene

Telekommunikasjon og programvare


De forskjellige utfordringene det er kategorisert i

Innsamling av data
Enhanced data security
Increasing energy efficiency of appliances
Reducing soil pollution
Redusere luftforurensning
Redusere investeringskostnader
Increasing share of renewables
Improving Energy Usage Efficiency
Reducing energy bills
Reducing Operation Costs
Enabling new business opportunities
Green Mountain

Hodneveien 260


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Vi driver frem bærekraftig smartbyutvikling og innovasjon ved å koble smartby-entusiaster på tvers av fag, bransjer, organisasjoner og næringsliv. Dette gjør vi ved å tilby arenaer for samskaping. Målet er at de som deltar i nettverket skal finne hverandre og sammen skape smarte løsninger på dagens og morgendagens utfordringer.

Smarte Byer Norge

+47 90056958

Vestengkleiva 3
1385 ASKER

Smarte Byer Norge

© 2021 , made during COVID-19 lockdown with by Terje